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Menopause Muted - part 1

Muted. Outspoken. Shamed. Acknowledged. Unseen. Seen. Disregarded. Valued. Misunderstood. Understood. Useless. Worth. Selfish. Altruistic.

The menopause. Which adjectives do you relate to? The list, as we know, is not exhaustive.

I feel positive about my generation, women in their 40s, menopause on the horizon and finally this often taboo subject is getting the airtime it needs. I’ve really noticed this in the last couple of years and feel passionate that our voices are heard.

Will I be that woman that announces her hot flushes like an oncoming train? Yes! And why the bloody hell not. Menopause is not a disease, it's a process. Like periods. There is no shame in what a woman’s body naturally goes through.

As a yoga teacher with clients of varying ages but mostly 35+ I find it uplifting and honest and fearless when a woman gives voice to a hot flush or brain fog. It’s having these open conversations that encourages the reduction of stigma that surrounds ‘the change’. And what is that anyway? It’s the f***ing menopause! Let’s call it by it’s correct name. Please.

For many women menopause arrives like clockwork around 50 but can happen as early as their 20s. Causes for early menopause could be as a result from cancer treatment, surgery, illness or simple genetics, if your Mum, Grandma, Aunt experienced early menopause then you might too.

We have officially hit menopause once our periods have stopped for a year but the symptoms can start around 5 years before (take note of the word ‘around’).

And then? Once the production of estrogen from our ovaries starts to fluctuate these symptoms begin to sneak their way into our daily lives:

  • Brain fog 

  • Insomnia

  • Hot flushes

  • Mood changes

  • Loss of bone density

  • Vaginal dryness 

  • Changes in sexual desire (not necessarily less, this is due to changes in testosterone)

  • Irregular periods (due to changes in progesterone)

Again, this list is not exhaustive. Sound fun? Now for some women they barely notice these symptoms for others they are life changing. Understanding these symptoms and how to manage them is key to navigating this process as smoothly as possible. 

As a trainee yoga therapist we cover the menopause and I found it enlightening to hear women (fellow trainees) who are either in the midst or out the other side use the words like: vitality, reclaiming, understood (self), reverence as well as selfish and scrap heap.

Selfish FFS! One had actually been called this. Many women spend their lifetime giving (and men but this isn’t about you if you’re reading this), and when they decide that this is their time now, their time to put themselves first, to look after their needs, their desires, their dreams they’re called selfish. Well that sure as hell will be me. It doesn’t mean we stop loving, giving or caring, it means that we’re giving voice and attention to what we want and that, for once, takes priority.

Scrap heap. Hello red mist. The negative perception surrounding menopause that once we’ve reached a certain age, which seems to be defined by the menopause, we are no longer viable. There’s a really interesting article here which goes into a lot more detail but what stands out for me is the narrative. Or lack of. Not connecting the dots due to lack of knowledge and understanding and therefore less conversation which sadly sees women actually leaving work because of this. 

And the above isn’t just the employer, let’s not make the assumption that all women understand what is happening to them so when you add that into the mix it’s even more essential that we have these conversations. That is why talking, having open lines of communication and discussing the menopause is VITAL to the mental and emotional physical health of women and a greater understanding as a whole.

As we move into our 40s and beyond we carry with us a wealth of knowledge and experience that cannot be bought or substituted by someone 20 years younger. It can only be understood through lived experience and that is invaluable. 

I would love to hear your experiences.

Next blog will be on how to manage the symptoms of menopause through yoga, breathwork and lifestyle.